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Welcome to the Korea Social Security Information Service (SSiS).
This is No Dae-Myung, President of the SSiS.

한국사회보장정보원 원장 노대명

As an Intelligent Platform Provider for Social Security, the SSiS carries out the following functions.

First, Supports the realization of warm welfare

It supports the realization of warm welfare without the blind spot on welfare by proactively providing customized service through the cooperation with social security related organizations and expansion of information system connection.

Second, Enhances the establishment of customized social security system

It enhances the establishment of customized social security system incorporated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data by successfully constructing the Next Generation Social Security Information System.

Third, Nationwide standards and ensures safe social

It expands Treatment Information Exchange Project based on nationwide standards and ensures safe social security system and standardization of its process and data. It also strengthens information security to enhance the collection, provision, and utilization of data as an intelligent informatization era has come.

Fourth, Environment to achieve work-life balance

It supports the government to promote job creation, birth encouragement, and changes in working environment to achieve work-life balance.

We at the SSIS will keep leading to open the road toward happiness of the people through the advancement of social security and healthcare by improving the welfare delivery system.

We ask your generous interest and encouragement.

No Dae-Myung, President of the SSiS


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